

Leadership is something people are born with, and is also something that you might need to adapt over time like say you are a child who’s parents aren’t always home and you have younger siblings you have to be the leader.  With leadership comes a lot of responsibility, like you being able to do things most people would never do like, step in to stop a fight, usually people just don’t take charge and do that because they do not want to get involved, or being that person who sees someone doing something that isn’t right and says something to the person doing the wrong doing. Being a leader most likely means that you will have followers of any kind, bad or good.  What I mean by that is that the good followers are people that take away the good from what you are modeling. There is two types of followers, the people that follow because they can’t make a decision for themselves, then there are tscreen-shot-2016-12-14-at-9-40-25-amhe people that look for motivation in someone’s work or life lessons.  If you are a follower, it is not necessarily a bad thing, because everyone is a follower at one point in their life. It all depends on how long you are a follower, if you are follower your whole life then you never grow to your full potential as person or adult. That’s why as you grow you need to be able to take you own life by the horns and control it to the best of your abilities. Remember when you wake it is your choice to make your day the best it has ever been or you can let it take tear you down, your choice.