
“Wealth is not about having lots of money it’s about having lots of options.”

– Chris Rock

Jake trembled at the sight of his sick, and vulnerable grandfather. Jake is a young three sport athlete, he has everything he has a nice house, Ps4, flat screen TV.  Some might call Jake wealthy or privileged to most people.  After a long and grueling practice,  Jake came home to silence, and discomfort.  No one was home at the time and he was confused and a little weary of the situation at hand.  He got a text from a good friend asking “How you holding up?”.  He responded in bewilderment with “What are you talking about?” . His friend responded “Your grandfather is in the hospital.”.  Jake dropped everything he was doing and rushed as fast as he could to the hospital.  He was filled with anger, sadness, and doubt as he stepped foot into the hospital, he had come upon relatives waiting outside the door of his sick grandfather he was tearing up holding the pain away but it broke and it to a terrible way he started to cry uncontrollably and fell to the floor like his legs weren’t even there. At that moment Jake was not wealthy, he was poor. Days after the incident, his grades went down, he was sluggish in practice then finally his coaches and teachers started to notice, they were worried about him, but he did not care. Jake was done, he could not move forward, but as he entered the hospital his grandfather stopped him and had a talk, a long talk about he was fine and he would pull through, Jake was inspired to do better and that’s exactly what he did.  His grandfather was perfectly healthy and so was all his family and friends. At that moment in time Jake was wealthy.