Mystery or Fate?


“Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone & tomorrow may never come”

Future is a blessing in my opinion.  The future is a mystery to all of us, because we don’t what we will encoimages-1unter in that next second, minute, hour, or even the next day.  The future is the greatest gift….to most people.  My reasoning for this is because the future can already be determined for someone.  People sometimes don’t get the same chances as others because they’re futures were cut short by illness, or silly accidents that can be avoid very easily.  If their futures were cut short so was there dreams, passions, and goals.  A good example of future being related to anxiousness, the election it is one of the most gut wrenching event to wait for and only for the reason that one candidate scares you, but the second candidate scares you but just a little less.  Our lives our revolved around “Oh what will we do tomorrow?”, we all just need to live in the moment and not stress about everything, life will be way easier and you will have less bumps in the road. What i’m trying to say is don’t live your life in worry or fear or just be known as anxious, overly cautious person.You should always remember to do the things you love, like I love to hunt and play Madden 17.   I myself have not been able to do this yet, but i’m getting better at it every single day, like not worry about tomorrow at 6:15. The future is a blessing and a curse and that is all that is to it. images