
Keep Truckin’ Along

What do you need to succeed? What can you have to fail? It is the strive for something better something that you can reach, like a goal you work at for years, months, days and even seconds.  Every time I’m on the field, I want to be the best player on the field. I will do whatever I can to be known as the best, and as the hardest working. Ambition is the one thing that some of the greatest players in sports history have. My dad and I always watch the NFL draft and the one thing we talk about the most is if a player goes number one overall. How will that player react? Screen Shot 2017-05-04 at 8.42.17 AM Will he take it and say I made and I’m good enough so I don’t need to work that hard, or will they say I chose for reason and that reason is to be the best player and that is what I will work for.  The trait where you want something so bad that you will do anything to get it or each is the best feeling, but if you can’t reach it right away will you quit or will you perceiver. I have been weightlifting every Monday, Wednesday, Friday since the end of my basketball season and I have improved and I have the stats to prove it.  My squat in the football season was 315 and that was a converted number, but just this past 3 weeks I did 315 not once, not twice, not three, but four which if that is converted it equals out to 340 pounds and that is great because compared to my weight (220 pounds) that is some heavy weight and i’m proud of my achievement.

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Better Yourself!

The key to being successful in sports is that you need to have a good attitude. Having the confidence about your next at bat or your next pitch, this is called optimism.  Optimism is not only good for, it makes everyone on your team more confident, this is one of the key components of being a great leader, and also making others on your team better and that is what every athlete should strive for. I would like to think that team success is better than individual success.  A great example is Michael Jordan, he made everyone around him better he maScreen Shot 2017-04-06 at 11.50.06 AMde a man named Scottie Pippen one of the top 50 players of all time and he also won 6 NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls, that is one man who is really the iconic figures of NBA and sports history. There is not that many people that have optimism, most of the time there is always someone on your team that is negative and has bad body language and he or she brings the team down and you don’t win with that.  I wake up everyday and i’m ready to face any obstacle that I face, and if the task is difficult I can’t and don’t quit because to better yourself you need to get out of your comfort zone and go out and better yourself. In life this is important as well and I just everyone to know that you can do anything, just put your time, effort and heart to it and you will achieve. I promise.Screen Shot 2017-04-06 at 11.50.13 AM



Leadership is something people are born with, and is also something that you might need to adapt over time like say you are a child who’s parents aren’t always home and you have younger siblings you have to be the leader.  With leadership comes a lot of responsibility, like you being able to do things most people would never do like, step in to stop a fight, usually people just don’t take charge and do that because they do not want to get involved, or being that person who sees someone doing something that isn’t right and says something to the person doing the wrong doing. Being a leader most likely means that you will have followers of any kind, bad or good.  What I mean by that is that the good followers are people that take away the good from what you are modeling. There is two types of followers, the people that follow because they can’t make a decision for themselves, then there are tscreen-shot-2016-12-14-at-9-40-25-amhe people that look for motivation in someone’s work or life lessons.  If you are a follower, it is not necessarily a bad thing, because everyone is a follower at one point in their life. It all depends on how long you are a follower, if you are follower your whole life then you never grow to your full potential as person or adult. That’s why as you grow you need to be able to take you own life by the horns and control it to the best of your abilities. Remember when you wake it is your choice to make your day the best it has ever been or you can let it take tear you down, your choice.

Believe in YOUrself

cropped-baseball.jpgI’ve been infected with the terrible idea of think of myself as not good enough.  It is awful, it ruins relationships. It mostly ruin relationships with friends, I could go hang with my friends anytime, but I just didn’t want to, because I felt like my friends had to hang out with me instead of wanting to be with me. It controlled my life, I had little to no confidence. Once it would get better, there would always be something there to bring me back down. Most people would look at me and would never imagine that I felt this way and then they would wonder why.  I made me feel like I was nothing, I would look at everyone else’s success, and it would make me upset and angry, when I should be happy for their success. I have been in and out of this funk for a while but it is not healthy to live in the state of mind where you are always sad, mad. The most common thing that I dealt with was the outburst of anger, I couldn’t control the amount of anger that overwhelmed me. Being negative is being selfish, because when you are negative you have this “oh feel bad for me” attitude, and it works at the start, but soon enough people just stop, because they don’t know how to help, and when that attention stops you actually do get sad and guess who is there to help you no one is there to comfort you, because you were the boy that cried wolf.  Sport make me realize that I can always believe in myself and that is what really helps me.

Can Anything Happen?

Fighting for a cause.  Isn’t that something we should do? Is it hard? Is it easy? Well the truth is it is very hard and it is something that not every wants to do, because it’s easier to not do it and unfortunately that’s what our society revolves around. Me I have fallen to this level of giving up and not working hard, but when I was at the point of getting out of this funk I would just tell myself every does it so I should do it.  Then I started to realize that it was effecting me in a very bad way and I knew something had to change.  My school work was at its peak, but i would always get down whenever I tried on something hard and then I got a bad grade it just brought me down so much and i couldn’t deal with it. It just made me angry and I didn’t know what I could do. Then I just pushed through and kept on working my butt off.  It will help you to work hard, it will help you in the future, it helps you in sports or anything that involves any type of competition.  You could be the smallest kid on the field but if you want, you could also be one of the biggest at the same time.  I’m not saying everything is possible, but if you work hard it makes your dream much much closer to reality. In conclusion working hard and fighting are the most important to life.    

Responsibility And Role Models

Authority is a thing that you need to earn it is not just given to someone, and the way you earn authority is by earning respect of others around you.  Authority is not alway controlling someone, in my opinion it is having influence on someone’s life.  I was taught this by a speaker, in which a few kids were selected to go.  I was honored to go, because it made me feel important and that is why I told myself that I will focus on every img_1671word this speaker preaches to me.  In that speech he talked about how he moved to a little town where everyone
was basically the same and the loved their sports. He talked about on the first day of school he was determined to be different, so died his hair and wore completely different cloths then everyone else.  Now we will fast-forward to his senior year, where he walked past this kid on his way to basketball every morning at six a.m. Then one day he was sick of seeing him alone so he sat down next to him and said “Come on, let’s go play  basketball, you and me.” and the kid that was there every morning replied with “No, i’m good.”.  The speaker was baffled at the response of the kid.  He was determined to be friends with this stubborn kid.  That next morning he didn’t give the kid a choice he told him we’re going to play basketball and then finally the kid agreed to play with him. Now today that kid is one of the speaker’s best friends to this day.  You can have authority anywhere, the basketball court, the baseball field and and kind of sport field there is.  Authority makes you a role model for every then that respects authority.

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Drive is related to fear in my opinion, only for the simple fact the fear feeds drive.  Fear is one of the building blocks for success.  It pushes you to get out of your comfort zone and that’sworking-out scary not everyone can go out and be outgoing.  I’ve been told that it is easy to be comfortable and it’s true one hundred percent, because most people would rather lay in bed for an extra twenty minutes rather than wake up at 5  a.m and go run two miles.  People see just the little things as scary and that is very scary, because it’s hard.  I look at the first day of practice and I get scared, because I know that there will be lots of running and if I haven’t done any extra training.  I’m in trouble, because the body get to practice and it’s almost if my body scared.  Fear is a mindset that we all do not want, because it is uncomfortable.  Fear is also download-7everyone’s worst enemy, because it will break you down to nothing.  It’s shows character, it separates the men from the boys, the women from the girls, the strong from the weak, the brave from the cowards and many more saying just like those.  Character is when you fall down and life is yelling at you not to get up, that is when you jump to your feet and stand strong against anything that comes your way.  People are scared of people that have drive.  If I line up against a player that is not as good as me and he is not as strong, but if he wants it more he changes into the best player on the field and that strikes fear into opponents all round the globe.

Mystery or Fate?


“Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone & tomorrow may never come”

Future is a blessing in my opinion.  The future is a mystery to all of us, because we don’t what we will encoimages-1unter in that next second, minute, hour, or even the next day.  The future is the greatest gift….to most people.  My reasoning for this is because the future can already be determined for someone.  People sometimes don’t get the same chances as others because they’re futures were cut short by illness, or silly accidents that can be avoid very easily.  If their futures were cut short so was there dreams, passions, and goals.  A good example of future being related to anxiousness, the election it is one of the most gut wrenching event to wait for and only for the reason that one candidate scares you, but the second candidate scares you but just a little less.  Our lives our revolved around “Oh what will we do tomorrow?”, we all just need to live in the moment and not stress about everything, life will be way easier and you will have less bumps in the road. What i’m trying to say is don’t live your life in worry or fear or just be known as anxious, overly cautious person.You should always remember to do the things you love, like I love to hunt and play Madden 17.   I myself have not been able to do this yet, but i’m getting better at it every single day, like not worry about tomorrow at 6:15. The future is a blessing and a curse and that is all that is to it. images



“Wealth is not about having lots of money it’s about having lots of options.”

– Chris Rock

Jake trembled at the sight of his sick, and vulnerable grandfather. Jake is a young three sport athlete, he has everything he has a nice house, Ps4, flat screen TV.  Some might call Jake wealthy or privileged to most people.  After a long and grueling practice,  Jake came home to silence, and discomfort.  No one was home at the time and he was confused and a little weary of the situation at hand.  He got a text from a good friend asking “How you holding up?”.  He responded in bewilderment with “What are you talking about?” . His friend responded “Your grandfather is in the hospital.”.  Jake dropped everything he was doing and rushed as fast as he could to the hospital.  He was filled with anger, sadness, and doubt as he stepped foot into the hospital, he had come upon relatives waiting outside the door of his sick grandfather he was tearing up holding the pain away but it broke and it to a terrible way he started to cry uncontrollably and fell to the floor like his legs weren’t even there. At that moment Jake was not wealthy, he was poor. Days after the incident, his grades went down, he was sluggish in practice then finally his coaches and teachers started to notice, they were worried about him, but he did not care. Jake was done, he could not move forward, but as he entered the hospital his grandfather stopped him and had a talk, a long talk about he was fine and he would pull through, Jake was inspired to do better and that’s exactly what he did.  His grandfather was perfectly healthy and so was all his family and friends. At that moment in time Jake was wealthy.

Its All Up to You!

Sports are revolved around power, and what I mean by that is you have the power strength, speed, and will power.  Will power is the most important o
ne in my opinion, because it brings out your true self.  People are you usually judged by how hard, or by how lazy they are and if it were my opinion I would be the hard worker that is known for doing the good.  Will power is everywhere, will power is when you get up, will power is when you don’t want to do homework, but you know have to do it because it will make you better in school and it will preparequote-they-say-no-matter-how-hard-you-work-there-s-always-someone-somewhere-working-harder-kevin-garnett-64-45-82 you for life, and your future job or career.  Will power is one more rep of that weight you thought you couldn’t do but you keep pushing and pushing until you have no more strength but at that moment you do one more.  You aren’t born with power, it doesn’t come naturally, it doesn’t take any talent to have will power,  it takes determination.  If i’m facing a team or player that wants  it more than I do, i’m intimidated, frightened, almost weaker than the opponent, all because he wants it more than I do.  If I squat 350 pounds five times, I would feel accomplished and satisfied, there is someone who usually is weaker than me, and he comes in and squats 350 pounds six times, but he is smaller not as built, that goes to show he puts more time into what he wants, and that is greatness he is striving for.  The reason I posted this is tell inform people to strive for bigger and better things and not be satisfied with life, there is always room for improvement in everything you do or are apart of.  Strive for greatness!