Responsibility And Role Models

Authority is a thing that you need to earn it is not just given to someone, and the way you earn authority is by earning respect of others around you.  Authority is not alway controlling someone, in my opinion it is having influence on someone’s life.  I was taught this by a speaker, in which a few kids were selected to go.  I was honored to go, because it made me feel important and that is why I told myself that I will focus on every img_1671word this speaker preaches to me.  In that speech he talked about how he moved to a little town where everyone
was basically the same and the loved their sports. He talked about on the first day of school he was determined to be different, so died his hair and wore completely different cloths then everyone else.  Now we will fast-forward to his senior year, where he walked past this kid on his way to basketball every morning at six a.m. Then one day he was sick of seeing him alone so he sat down next to him and said “Come on, let’s go play  basketball, you and me.” and the kid that was there every morning replied with “No, i’m good.”.  The speaker was baffled at the response of the kid.  He was determined to be friends with this stubborn kid.  That next morning he didn’t give the kid a choice he told him we’re going to play basketball and then finally the kid agreed to play with him. Now today that kid is one of the speaker’s best friends to this day.  You can have authority anywhere, the basketball court, the baseball field and and kind of sport field there is.  Authority makes you a role model for every then that respects authority.

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