Its All Up to You!

Sports are revolved around power, and what I mean by that is you have the power strength, speed, and will power.  Will power is the most important o
ne in my opinion, because it brings out your true self.  People are you usually judged by how hard, or by how lazy they are and if it were my opinion I would be the hard worker that is known for doing the good.  Will power is everywhere, will power is when you get up, will power is when you don’t want to do homework, but you know have to do it because it will make you better in school and it will preparequote-they-say-no-matter-how-hard-you-work-there-s-always-someone-somewhere-working-harder-kevin-garnett-64-45-82 you for life, and your future job or career.  Will power is one more rep of that weight you thought you couldn’t do but you keep pushing and pushing until you have no more strength but at that moment you do one more.  You aren’t born with power, it doesn’t come naturally, it doesn’t take any talent to have will power,  it takes determination.  If i’m facing a team or player that wants  it more than I do, i’m intimidated, frightened, almost weaker than the opponent, all because he wants it more than I do.  If I squat 350 pounds five times, I would feel accomplished and satisfied, there is someone who usually is weaker than me, and he comes in and squats 350 pounds six times, but he is smaller not as built, that goes to show he puts more time into what he wants, and that is greatness he is striving for.  The reason I posted this is tell inform people to strive for bigger and better things and not be satisfied with life, there is always room for improvement in everything you do or are apart of.  Strive for greatness!

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